weight, marital status, and phone number.
Card A.
A friend of yours phones you. He or she wants to know about your daily activities in order to arrange a visit to the hospital.
Card B.
Answer A´s questions by providing information about your daily habits and routines.
Student A.
You see a friend of yours you haven´t seen for a long time. Ask him/ her about:
— What his/ her job is.
— Where he/ she is working.
— How often he/ she attends his/ her patients.
Student B.
You see a friend of yours you haven´t seen for a long time. Answer his/ her questions.
— tell him/ her what your job is.
— where you are working.
— how often you attend your patients.
Card A.
You are checking a patient at the hospital who comes to your department with a terrible pain in one of his/ her legs. Ask questions about:
The problem.
If he/ she had it before.
Give some advices.
Card B.
You are a patient who goes to the hospital with a pain in one of your legs. Answer doctor´s questions about your problem/ duration/ if you had this trouble before and ask the doctor about the next appointment.
Card A.
You are working in the rehabilitation ward. Ask your classmates about:
- What they did yesterday at work.
- Ask about health problems.
- Ask about treatment.
Student B
- Answer A´s questions about your work.
- Number of patients you assist yesterday.
- Answer about health problems.
- Answer about treatment/ advices.
Anexo 2. Prueba Pedagógica II de salida para estudiantes que forman parte de la muestra.
Objetivo: Constatar el nivel actual que manifiestan los estudiantes del 3er año de la carrera Rehabilitación Integral en la Salud en el desarrollo de la expresión oral.
- Card A.
It´s the first day at the hospital. You are about to meet new classmates.
- Greet B
- Ask about B´s nationality.
- Ask where B lives.
- Ask about B´s occupation.
Card B.
- Introduce yourself.
- Answer about.
. Nationality
. Place where you are living.
- Student A: It´s the first day at the ward. You are about to meet the head of the ward. Act out a conversation to share personal data.
Student B: It´s your first day at the ward. The head wants to know about you. Ask sharing personal data.
- Card A.
You are about to travel for a mission in Jamaica. Answer B´s questions by providing personal data.
Card B.
You are the responsible of interviewing a person who is going to fulfill a mission. Ask questions about personal data. Full name, age, address, country, nationality, home town, high, weight, marital status, number of children, phone number.
- Student A.
A friend of yours calls you and he or she wants to know about your activities at the hospital in order to visit there.
Student B.
Answer A´s questions by providing information about your activities at the hospital.
- You see a patient of yours who has been impatient whit a broken bone. Ask him/her about:
- How he / she feels .
- How often he/she assists the patient at the hospital to check the problem.
- you are a patient and you see the doctor where you have been inpatient with a broken bone. Answer him/her about:
– How you feel.
– Time for checking your health.
- In a job interview, the interviewers try to find out about the things the candidate has done.
Ask other people in your class if they have done the things in the list. If they have done any of them ask them when they did them.
- Be in an emergency situation.
- Visit a rural medical center.
- Be at a community clinic in an urban area.
- Rehabilitation in the gym.
VII- Make an interview to a friend and ask him/her what he/she likes. Take into account the list of the activities below.
- Practice exercise.
- Work with children.
- To have many patients in the ward.
- Assist patients with acute pain.
- Be ready to answer questions from a technology student about your work, things you like or dislike.
Anexo 3. Resultados de la prueba pedagógica 1 aplicada a los estudiantes.
Calidad del proceso: 4/20= 10% de calidad del proceso, esta cifra está por debajo de lo exigido en la Educación Superior que es el 70%.
Resultados de la prueba pedagógica de salida para verificar la expresión oral de los estudiantes.
Ver tablas, a continuación
Anexo 4.
El resultado de la efectividad de la estrategia se manifiesta a través de las pruebas pedagógicas de entrada y salida. En la figura 3 se observa la calidad del aprendizaje del inglés con fines específicos después de haber aplicado la estrategia